Among those least likely to hear of Christ and interact with His followers are populations from other nations who vacation in Europe. For years, our global partners with Campus Crusade for Christ International have fostered summer outreaches, which have been met with curiosity and responsiveness from peoples restricted from the gospel in their own homelands. Join Global Pastors Bill Oberlin and Carlos Ludena alongside our international partners to extend the warmth of Jesus to tourists vacationing along the south coast of Spain
Approximate Cost: $3,000
Eligibility: For those with a passion to share Christ / offer His story to others
Open Info Meeting: Sunday, March 24 at Noon (Lower 46)
Contact: For further info or to apply, contact
Pastor Bill Oberlin boberlin@wheatonbible.org
Pastor Carlos Ludena cludena@iglesiadelpueblo.net
Application Deadline: April 2