July 13-20



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WBC GO Teams have regularly visited the Whitefish River First Nation Community on Manitoulin Island for over 25 years!  In July, singles, couples, and young families will once again cultivate relationships, learn from tribe members, and share God’s love and Word with this beloved First Nations community.  A Kids’ Club, festive family events, recreational outreaches with teens, and crafts for women and children are among the planned events.  Yearly team size ranges from 20-40 with activities designed around the skills and interests of our members to offer activities designed to winsomely share Christ.  Families are warmly welcomed!

Approximate Cost: $525 for singles or $975 for couples & families (plus travel).
Eligibility: Open to all with a desire to build bridges and foster friendship between cultures.
Open Info Meetings: Sunday, March 3 and April 7 at Noon (Lower 46)
Contact: For further info or to apply, contact Beth Froese, bethfroese@gmail.com
Application Deadline: May 15